News and events

Celebration of Maslenitsa

On Tuesday, March 12th, students and parents of the International school of Tomorrow have got an invitation to celebrate Maslenitsa at the Cultural Center of the Main Administration for Service to the Diplomatic Corps under the command of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Within minutes of arriving, the students were given a warm welcome accompanied by the sound of folk songs. In the banquet hall, the guests were treated to a feast – pancakes in all varieties of preparation and fillings!

After the hearty meal, the students were invited to the concert hall, where the artists of the folk song and dance ensemble staged traditional Maslenitsa festivities. Folk games, songs, dances, tug of war, and, of course, the traditional “sunny round dance”!

All of this excitement was a way of saying goodbye to the frosty winter and welcoming a warm spring. Everyone received energy and a cheerful mood for the new season!

This holiday will remain in our hearts for a long time. We thank the team of GlavUpDK under the command of the MFA Russia for the invitation, warm welcome, and a fun holiday celebration!