News and events


The last week of September, we went on an around-the-world voyage at the Sumskoy Campus of the International School of Tomorrow.

This year, the traditional Week of National Flags and Costumes was dedicated to the theatrical arts of different countries. Our new students from Kursk prepared a fascinating presentation about their hometown, as well as sharing a Russian folk dance with our entire international community!

Thanks to Olga Koneva, a representative of the Kursk House of Creativity, for organizing this performance!

The International Week of National Flags and Costumes ended with theatrical productions of various styles and genres. There was even a Bollywood performance and excerpts from various films that were shot the previous week.

Actors from different countries played roles from famous works: The Little Prince, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and others.

In the assembly hall, the stage was flooded with bright spotlights, sometimes dimly flickering with multicolored vapors. The atmosphere of a real theater was created, only interrupted by an interlude of awards for the actors and directors after each performance.

Roles, scenery, musical accompaniment, lighting design… New experiences, new emotions, and impressions…

«All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.» William Shakespeare.

May we play those roles that make this world a better place!